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Suppleplant Tropical Love
Tropical plants are complex but have adapted to growth indoors. That means you can bring their exotic beauty indoors and watch them thrive just as much as they did outdoors. However, their complex nature lends itself to a specific care regimen needed to keep them healthy. For example, they prefer their soil moist, but if it’s too wet they will drown. They crave humidity and can become dry if not misted. They are also sensitive to light but need it at a certain level to survive.
Feeding tropical plants is also complex. Most tropical plants need the nutrients during the spring and summer months but can survive without them during the winter. They are highly sensitive to chemical fertilizers. Using a chemical fertilizer just once on these precious plants can cause irreversible burning. Organic Suppleplant Tropical Love is gentle enough while still penetrating into the internal structures of the plant to allow for more absorption and higher resilience. The organic concoction was specifically formulated for finicky tropical plants and will serve them well through the warmer months.
Suppleplant Tropical Love is perfect for caring for all types of tropical plants, indoor, outdoor, and tropical plants hydroponically grown.
Caring for Your Tropical Houseplant
Tropical houseplants can turn the inside of your home into an exotic escape if you can learn how to properly care for them so that they thrive. They are a fun addition to a home and stand out amongst the other popular kinds of houseplants. The first step to a lush, serene indoor environment is proper care for the tropical plants that live there.
Here’s the breakdown of tropical houseplant care:
Growing them Indoors In garden centers everywhere, you’re going to see a lot of the same kinds of tropical plants for sale. This is no accident. These plants are the most popular varieties of indoor tropical plants because they are easiest to take care of and thrive the most in an indoor environment. It’s better to trust this selection rather than seek out a rare and specific tropical plant, as your chances of success are much higher with a common indoor variety.
Best Types of Houseplants for Indoors
Some of the best-performing indoor tropical plants include:
- Bromeliad
- Croton
- Chinese Evergreen
- Palm Plants
- Money Tree Plant
- Philodendron
- Spider Plants
- Bamboo Plants
- Ferns
- Rubber Tree Plant
- ZZ Plants
There are more that belong on this list as well, so do your research to discover which variety will suit the environment of your home and pick one that has historically thrived in such an atmosphere.
Watering In general, tropical plants prefer their soil to be moist rather than soaked. Regularly checking the soil is the best way to decide whether or not you should water it. They can tolerate a bit of dryness or under-watering, but dehydration is one of the main causes of death for tropical plants being grown indoors, so be careful to not let them go too long without a fresh pour of water.
Atmosphere Tropical plants prefer a bit of humidity similar to the tropics where they originate from, but most are able to adapt to indoor conditions. If they seem to be getting dehydrated, you can add a humidifier to the room, regularly mist them, or even put them in a mini indoor greenhouse.
Tropical plants can adapt to a wide variety of indoor conditions, but they tend to do the best when in bright light. Before deciding where to place your tropical plant, you should check to see what your species prefer. You want to find a place where it’s not so sunny that the leaves burn but is sunny enough to keep it lively, colorful, and happy.
Fertilizer Feed your tropical houseplant the important minerals and nutrients it needs during the spring and summer seasons. You want to stay away from chemical fertilizers as tropical plants have a tendency to burn from them. Using a chemical fertilizer even once can damage the plants and burn them irreversibly.
Stick to something organic, like the Suppleplant Tropical Love houseplant fertilizer for your traditional potted tropical plants. It even doubles as a great hydroponic fertilizer for tropical plants. It is gentle enough not to damage the roots or plant but serious enough to penetrate through the soil or water and provide those much-needed nutrients.
Try Suppleplant Tropical Love today and watch your tropical houseplants flourish.