Organic Fertilization Selection

Organic Fertilization Selection

Buying The Perfect Fertilizers For Indoor Plants

Indoor Houseplant Care

Fertilizer usage is one of the least understood phases of indoor plant care. While some people equate any plant fertilizer with vitamins, pep pills, or food sources, it is important that indoor plant owners beware of such generalizations especially when buying organic fertilizers for your houseplants.

Garden shops have a huge variety of in-house fertilizers for sale and most often times encourage plant owners to purchase these products because their plants need food throughout the year. However, before falling for this sales and marketing trick, it is important to know that too much fertilizer application can also harm the plant just as too much water may deter plant growth and overall health.

Choosing The Product

While many indoor plant owners believe sick plants need fertilizers, on the contrary, they may be sickly as a result of the excess fertilizer addition. Application of fertilizer involves an adequate knowledge of the plant and its needs as many plants do not need more than two to three feeding annually. For plants putting out new growth, flowering or looking strong, there is the need to maintain this balance by avoiding application of fertilizer.

However, for some plants, there is the need for regular application of fertilizers. These plant types include those growing under fluorescent lights. Plants growing under fluorescent lights are constantly exposed to light which stimulates them to grow faster thus using up more nutrient in the soil. In addition to feeding fertilizer to these plant types, it is essential to supplement their nutrient usage. Fertilizer application is especially essential for plants that are being raised from seedlings to be transplanted later to the garden. When using a strong fertilizer for seedlings, it is recommended that gardeners avoid direct use and instead apply half or quarter-rate application.

Applying The Product

Another time when fertilizer application may be essential is when the plants are potted in a sterile growing media such as the planting mixtures available at many garden centers. The common planting mixtures often times contain peat moss and perlite or vermiculite with little to no nutrient materials thus requiring adequate fertilizer application for the proper growth of plants.

Before fertilizer application, be sure to take the following steps

1. Check the plant label carefully

It is recommended that plant buyers check the labels on their plants carefully to get a better understanding of the type of medium the plant is in as this gives an idea as to whether or not they will be needing regular fertilizer application.

2. Type of Fertilizer

The water-soluble houseplant fertilizer is recommended to use because of its ease in mixing and convenience. Water-soluble formulations are made up of chemicals which serve as nutrient carriers that readily dissolve in water. When using a water-soluble fertilizer, it is recommended that they are applied in the correct amount by first adding it into a watering can and allowing the water from the faucet to mix it.

Some fertilizers are however sold in the liquid form, such as the fish emulsions, although they contain low nutrients. These fertilizer types, are recommended for ferns because of its low concentration and reduced risk of burning plant roots.

Taking into consideration that plants generally go through a dormant period in winter, you should avoid rushing the plants with fertilizer at the start of the spring season, instead, allow the plants to grow first, then fertilizer application can be used to spur flower bud formation. To learn more about indoor plant care, visit


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