Make Your Indoor Space Tropical with Indoor Palm Trees

Make Your Indoor Space Tropical with Indoor Palm Trees

Nothing screams tropical vacation and beach vibe like a palm tree. If you want to achieve a tropical, exotic look in your home, growing one of the many varieties of palm trees will help brighten your space. While most often these plants are found outdoors, it is possible to grow certain varieties indoors. When
the plant is taken care of and provided care and nutrients, it will add to the ambiance of your home.

Steps to Growing A Productive Palm
Like all plants, palms need a delicate balance of moisture, light, fertilizer, and warmth to survive. Picking a location in your home is just as important as choosing the right soil and pot. Choosing the species of palm that is going to survive inside is the first step in growing your tropical jungle. The most common types of palms for indoors are: Areca, Parlor, Majesty, Fan, Yucca and
Butterfly palms. Pick a pot that has a hole at the bottom for the excess water to drain out. Good drainage is essential to your palm surviving.
Use a mixture of half peat moss and perlite as your soil. The peat moss will help the soil retain moisture. Place the pot containing your palm near a window where it receives tons of sunlight in a room that is not too dry. As far as nutrients go, choose a fertilizer specifically made for palm trees and mix it in the soil. Fertilizer should be applied once every six to eight weeks during the growing season. Stop applying the fertilizer in late fall and begin again in the spring when the new growing cycles start.
Water your palm tree weekly! Do not let the soil get too dry but if it is moist, do not add as much water. You can use a spray bottle to mist the plant every couple of weeks with Suppleplant Tropical Love. This will mimic the rain that it would receive if it were outside in its natural habitat and keep it happy with the
trace minerals it needs. This also helps to remove debris and dust from the plant, keeping it fresh.
Trim your palm very carefully. Many species of palms actually draw nutrients out of old fronds after they’ve begun to yellow. The best way to prune is only to remove fully browned fronds and trim dead ends with scissors. Every two years, your palm will need to be repotted and possibly moved to a bigger pot. Palms don’t like to be repotted, so it’s best to wait until it’s pot-bound.

Surviving the Winter with a Palm
During the winter months, you will need to pay extra attention to your precious palm. Make sure the tree is not placed near any heating ducts, fireplaces or extra dry areas in your house. One thing you can do to mimic the humidity besides a humidifier is to place a tray full of rocks and pour water over them. This will allow moisture to be released in the air.

Indoor palms are very easy to grow and very low maintenance. They will thrive for years when given the proper care and attention.

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